TJ Bottom

A photo of TJ Bottom
Title: Popular Living Contributor
Education: SLCC AD - Sports Exercise Science, Utah State University - Environmental Engineering MN- Fine Arts
Location: Salt Lake City, UT
Expertise: Health, Wellness, Diet, Fitness, Performance & Nutrition

TJ Bottom is a self-proclaimed “Brand Champion” and “Virtuous Brand Defender." With a diverse and extensive background in brand building and creative storytelling, TJ has honed unique skills that serve both well-established and start-up brands.

A lifelong devotee to athletic performance and development, TJ's passion fuels his success in a variety of key areas. These include identifying and establishing a brand's voice and tone, planning and implementing Go-to-Market (GTM) strategies, communication, copywriting, product research and development (R&D), brand alignment, sports marketing, connectivity, and crafting creative brand strategies.

TJ's contributions are predominantly found within the dynamic industries of outdoor, endurance, and action sports. His multifaceted expertise reflects his personal interests and provides a solid foundation for brands looking to create an impactful presence in these vibrant markets.

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